Some questions about bugs in .95 [Eng please]

      Some questions about bugs in .95 [Eng please]

      I've got a few small issues I'd like to clear up in my chat as soon as possible if anyone can help in English, that'd be great.

      First, some people are knocked from the chat if an /img is posted or if an image [non-smiley] is displayed in the main chat window. Example: I post an image using /img tag, a few users [almost entirely in Firefox] are booted from the room, as if timed-out. This also happens with the /coin command. These users are always using Firefox, verion 2 or 3, both do the same. It's intermittent, doesn't happen EVERY time, but when they get booted it is ALWAYS after the img or coin is used.

      Next, my "/clearall" doesn't work, is there more than one way to impliment this function?

      And last, I've made it so that in the chat, users text/commands and images are surrounded by a border, it looks fantastic and I love how it makes differentiating chatters and conversations very easy and clean... the issue is, the borders do not display in IE, 6, 7 8b, doesn't matter. IE will not show these borders.

      I can post code of any of this if needed, but it'd be best if someone could check out my chat and let me know if they have any ideas on this stuff.

      thanks. is the chat site.

      Also, I'd like to know if there are any known vulnerabilities and patches to fix them [aside from the password recovery one, I just removed the password recovery option from the links and no one can exploit it]

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von „xeper“ ()

      Hi xeper,

      there's a known vuln in the register action. I know, how to fix it, but this takes some time.

      The problem with your "bugs" are not really known and i have no idea, how to fix it. For security reasons, i recommend, that you remove the /img nor /sound function. These commands are another vuln, which are not really known. They make it possible, to delete any member, if you post the right code.

      Can you explain, how the "border"-feature is working? I cant imagine, what exactly you mean ;)

      OK, it seems that the /img and /coin booting people issue was a user issue, not a chat issue. Certain users with bad installs of Windows XP [SP1 and SP2] were being booted in Firefox, yet had no issues with Firefox in Vista or XP SP3.

      Can you email me the "clearall" add-on? English or German, doesn't matter.

      Here's the code from my borders, they're set up in the "message" templates, such as "message.html" and "me.html".

      <table valign="middle" border="1" width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" rules="none" frame="box" bgcolor="#EEEEEE" bordercolor="#990000">


      <td>{IF|$current_user.show_time}({GETTIME}) {ENDIF}<span class="bigtext"><b>{GET|$settings.chatname}</b>: {MESSAGE|$params.message|$params.*}</span><br></td></tr></table><img src="" width="1" height="4" border="0" alt="">

      The main issue is that IE [all versions] completely ignores almost all tags in the main chat window. It ignores the font, the font size, table border, etc. Is there some way to force it to use these in the main chat frame? Or is there some better way of giving the message templates a border that both IE and Firefox will see?