Entry Doorbell

      Entry Doorbell

      Product: Entry Doorbell

      Version: n.A.

      Editor: SiriusBlack

      Developer: Ralph

      Year of development: 2003

      Needed ressources: -

      Alternative ressources: -

      Screenshots: -


      Hio Everyone, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

      This neat little doorbell addon was posted on the German board on October 2003 by Ralph, but the orgininal author is unknown. Should you be the author of this addon please contact the Forum Administrator, or me so that we may give you our thanks and the approprate credit.

      Unlike the doorbell in the V0.93 version the feature in V0.95 has to be activated by the user within his/her profile before it will work. Also, I discoved that even a guest can use the function, and have tested it in our own V0.95 support chat room.

      The addon involves 3 of your v0.95 files:


      Pleaseeeee make a backup of these 3 files before starting this procedure just in case.

      Within the entered.html add the following at the bottom, or below the only statement in that file:


      1. {IF|$current_user.welcome}
      2. <EMBED SRC="http://www.yourdomain.com/gtchat/anydoorbell.wav" AUTOSTART="true" HIDDEN="true" VOLUME="80%" ; width="128" height="128">
      3. {ENDIF}
      4. {IF|$params.name ne $current_user.name}
      5. {IF|$current_user.show_time}({GETTIME}) {ENDIF}<span class="bigtext"><b>{GET|$settings.chatname}</b>: {MESSAGE|in_chat|nick=$params.nick|chatname=$settings.chatname}</span><br>
      6. {ENDIF}

      Save this file.

      Next, two statements within the editprofile have to be added to this file
      Within the editprofile.html towards the top of the file locate the following group:


      1. form.privateemail.value = form.privateemail_dummy.checked ? 1 : 0;
      2. form.nosmileys.value = form.nosmileys_dummy.checked ? 1 : 0;
      3. form.popup_privatemsg.value = form.popup_privatemsg_dummy.checked ? 1 : 0;
      4. form.show_time.value = form.show_time_dummy.checked ? 1 : 0;

      At the bottom of this group add the following:


      1. form.welcome.value = form.welcome_dummy.checked ? 1 : 0;

      Still within the editprofile.html and where you believe it will look the best on your site add the following statement:


      1. <td>Door Bell Sound On:</td>
      2. <td><input type=checkbox name="welcome_dummy" value="1" {IIF|$user_information.welcome|checked}></td>
      3. <td><input type=hidden name="welcome"></td>

      Save this file.

      Within the Settings.dat file locate the statement below:


      1. custom_profile_fields => [
      2. 'nosmileys',
      3. 'gagtime',
      4. 'birth_date',
      5. 'homepage',
      6. 'homepagetitle',
      7. 'popup_privatemsg',
      8. 'lastnickchange',
      9. 'gender',
      10. 'show_time',
      11. 'style',

      Just below the last term add the word 'welcome'. In this case the last term is 'style'.


      1. 'welcome',

      Save this file

      Upload the 3 files you have just modified along with the wav file you are going to use, and please upload the .wav file outside of the cgi-bin.

      Finally, don't forget to tick the check box in your profile when you log in to activate the doorbell.

      Good luck.


      Have fun. Best regards, your GTChat-Developer.com - Team!

      Zum Eintrag in der Datenbank