Page user plugin

      Page user plugin

      Product: Page user plugin

      Version: n.A.

      Editor: SteveW

      Developer: n.A.

      Year of development:

      Needed ressources:

      Alternative ressources:

      Screenshots: -


      I have translated (using Google) the "Page User" addon from the German forums. Basically this plugin allows you to page another user (invisble when you are the only person in chat), with a sound file. The page can be made either by clicking on a small sound icon next to the persons nick, or by typing /calluser followed by the nick of the person.

      There is a section in the forums which allows you to add this to profile for enabling/disabling, but I couldnt get this part to work if theres any takers.

      Short Instructions

      a) Copy "" file to /Plugins/CommandHandlers/ directory.
      b) Copy "calluser.html" file to /Templates_en/messages/ directory.
      c) Create a folder called "sounds" in the data folder
      d) Copy "klingel.swf" into this new sounds folder
      e) Copy "sound.gif" into your chat images folder.

      f) Edit /Templates_en/users.html :

      Search for
      <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="{IF|$current_user.popup_privatemsg}writePrivateMsg('{GET_ESCAPED|$}','{GET_ESCAPED|$user.nick}','');{ELSE}insertText('/msg {GET_JS|$user.nick} ');{ENDIF}return false;">{IMAGE|msg|alt="Private message"}</a>

      Insert Directly After
      <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="sendText('/calluser {GET_JS|$user.nick}');return false;">{IMAGE|sound|alt="Page User"}</a>

      It then should look like in HTML editor :

      <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="insertText('@{GET_JS|$user.nick} ');return false;">{IMAGE|at|alt="Directed message"}</a>
      <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="{IF|$current_user.popup_privatemsg}writePrivateMsg('{GET_ESCAPED|$}','{GET_ESCAPED|$user.nick}','');{ELSE}insertText('/msg {GET_JS|$user.nick} ');{ENDIF}return false;">{IMAGE|msg|alt="Private message"}</a>
      <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="sendText('/calluser {GET_JS|$user.nick}');return false;">{IMAGE|sound|alt="Page User"}</a>

      Edit setting.dat file:
      Searches for "custom_command_handlers => {"

      Insert afterwards the following:

      calluser => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',

      Search for "custom_output_params => ["

      Insert afterwards the following:

      calluser => [

      Have fun!

      PS - If anyone is willing to give instructions for the profile bit which is explained later in the German thread I would be most grateful - Ta.


      Have fun. Best regards, your - Team!

      Zum Eintrag in der Datenbank