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    habe jetzt x chats installt aber der schafft mich Powered by GT-Chat 0.95 Alpha
    grafik wird anzeigt aber kein style i kann ändern was i will in der Settings.dat

    wo liegt hier der fehler i hab scho alles durchgespielt


    1. ###############################################
    2. # You should not change this file manually. #
    3. # Use the Admin functions menu instead. #
    4. ###############################################
    5. return {
    6. ####################
    7. # General settings #
    8. ####################
    9. # URLs and paths
    10. urls => {
    11. htmlurl => "http://www.domain.tld/gtchat", # absolute URL of your chat's HTML pages (Only, if this folder is NOT /www/)
    12. logouturl => "http://www.domain.tld/cgi-bin/gtchat/chat.pl", # if given: the position to go after the logout other than the default login page
    13. imagesurl => "../gtchat/images/", # URL of your images directory, can be relative to htmlurl
    14. },
    15. directories => {
    16. sourcedir => "Sources", # Directory with chat source files
    17. vardir => "Variables", # Directory with variable files
    18. onlinedir => "Online", # Directory with online users data
    19. tmpdir => "Temp", # Directory with temporary files (queues and pipes)
    20. memberdir => "Members", # Directory with member data
    21. roomdir => "Rooms", # Directory with room data
    22. plugindir => "Plugins", # Plugin directory
    23. wwwdir => "../httpdocs/gtchat", # Directory with chat.js and style.css
    24. imagesdir => "../httpdocs/gtchat/images", # Directory of the chat images
    25. },
    26. # General settings
    27. languages => ['german','english','russian'], # Existing language files
    28. maintenance => 0, # Set 1 to enable maintenance mode
    29. chatname => "Private Chat", # The name of your chat
    30. pwseed => "ya", # Password crypting seed
    31. logoutreason_keeping_time => 20, # Time in seconds to keep the logout reason for a user in the file logout.reasons
    32. lock_type => 1, # Set 0 to use no locks, 1 for flock() or 2 for Win32::Semaphore
    33. use_internal_crypt => 1, # Set 0 to use default Perl's crypt(), 1 to use module Crypt.pm
    34. compress_output => 1, # Set 1 to remove empty lines and unnecessary spaces from the output
    35. alive_test_rate_push => 120, # Time in seconds the user is allowed to make no server requests (server push mode)
    36. alive_test_rate_pull => 60, # Time in seconds the user is allowed to make no server requests (client pull mode)
    37. autokick_test_rate => 0, # Time in seconds the user is allowed not to talk or 0 to deactivate autokick
    38. send_blocking_timeout => 8, # Maximum time in seconds sending should be blocked (blocking is usually disabled automatically after receiving the server's response)
    39. forward_params => ['css','proxy'], # Query string parameters to be forwarded
    40. check_module_modification => 1, # Set 1 to enable testing if a module has been modified since it's last use before using the cached data, 0 to disable
    41. check_template_modification => 1, # Set 1 to enable testing if a template has been modified since it's last use before using the cached data, 0 to disable
    42. preload_modules => ['sourcedir::','plugindir::','german.lng','english.lng','russian.lng','german.commands','english.commands','russian.commands','german.admin','english.admin','russian.admin'],
    43. preload_templates => ['Templates_de/','Templates_en/','Templates_ru/'],
    44. # User defaults (defaults for the template variable $environment)
    45. default =>
    46. {
    47. language => 'german', # Default language of your chat (determines the name of the language files)
    48. is_username => 1, # Set 0 to login with nick names by default or 1 to login with user names
    49. pull => 0, # Set 1 to make Safe mode checked by default
    50. room => 'lobby',
    51. color => '#404040',
    52. style => 'style', # usually style.css is the default style
    53. privateemail => 1,
    54. gender => 0,
    55. timeoffset => 0,
    56. nosmileys => 0,
    57. popup_privatemsg => 1,
    58. show_time => 0,
    59. },
    60. ####################
    61. # Plugins settings #
    62. ####################
    63. # Settings for ProfileCheck.pm
    64. check_profile_fields_range => { # Sets the minimal and maximal allowed value for integer profile fields
    65. privateemail => [0,1],
    66. timeoffset => [-24,24],
    67. nosmileys => [0,1],
    68. popup_privatemsg => [0,1],
    69. show_time => [0,1],
    70. gender => [0,2],
    71. },
    72. check_profile_fields_length => { # Sets the maximal allowed length for profile fields and the error message to show
    73. name => [15,'max_username_len'],
    74. nick => [15,'max_nickname_len'],
    75. homepage => [50,'max_homepage_len'],
    76. homepagetitle => [50,'max_homepagetitle_len'],
    77. email => [50,'max_email_len'],
    78. },
    79. min_nickchange_interval => 10, # Minimum time (in minutes) between two nick changes
    80. # Settings for RoomCheck.pm
    81. check_room_fields_range => { # Sets the minimal and maximal allowed value for integer room fields
    82. closed => [0,1],
    83. permanent => [0,1],
    84. moderated => [0,1],
    85. max_users => [0,100000],
    86. },
    87. check_room_fields_length => { # Sets the maximal allowed length for room fields and the error message to show
    88. name => [15,'max_roomname_len'],
    89. topic => [100,'max_topic_len'],
    90. },
    91. # Settings for DataModules/UserModule.pm and DataModules/RoomModule.pm
    92. # The characters in this string cannot be used in usernames, nicknames and roomnames
    93. custom_forbidden_chars => "\255\240",
    94. # Settings for CommandHandlers/Ignoring.pm
    95. ignore_messages => { # List of message types to be ignored
    96. 'message' => 1,
    97. 'text' => 1,
    98. 'broadcast' => 1,
    99. 'callop' => 1,
    100. 'me' => 1,
    101. 'img' => 1,
    102. 'leaved' => 1,
    103. 'entered', => 1,
    104. 'private' => 1,
    105. 'nick_changed' => 1,
    106. 'room_entered' => 1,
    107. 'room_leaved' => 1,
    108. },
    109. # Settings for Logging/MessagesLog.pm
    110. log_messages => { # List of message types to be logged in the messages log
    111. 'text' => 1,
    112. 'admin' => 1,
    113. 'me' => 1,
    114. 'broadcast' => 1,
    115. 'callop' => 1,
    116. 'img' => 1,
    117. 'entered', => 1,
    118. 'leaved' => 1,
    119. 'nick_changed' => 1,
    120. 'room_entered' => 1,
    121. 'room_leaved' => 1,
    122. },
    123. max_messageslog_size => 262144, # Maximum size in bytes of the messages log (see log_messages)
    124. messageslog_backups_count => 4, # Number of old messages logs to save
    125. # Settings for Logging/UsersLog.pm
    126. max_userslog_size => 4096, # Maximum size in bytes of the users log (registrations and cancellations of accounts)
    127. userslog_backups_count => 4, # Number of old users logs to save
    128. # Settings for CookieHandler.pm
    129. cookie_name => "chat_userdata", # Name of the cookie used by the chat
    130. # Settings for MaxUsers.pm
    131. max_users => 0, # The maximum number of users to be in the chat (0 = unlimited)
    132. # Mail settings
    133. webmaster_email => 'webmaster@server.com', # Put your mail address here
    134. mailprog => "/usr/sbin/sendmail", # Location of sendmail on your server (used by MailModules/SendmailModule.pm)
    135. smtp_server => "mail.server.com", # SMTP server to sen mail (used by MailModules/SMTPModule.pm)
    136. # Settings for VarHandlers/RouteTracer.pm
    137. tracerouteprog => "/usr/sbin/traceroute", # Location of traceroute on your server, usually /usr/sbin/traceroute on a Unix server and c:/windows/system32/tracert.exe on Windows
    138. # Settings for PipeModules/SysVPipeModule.pm
    139. SYS_mknod => 14, # System constant, don't change if you don't know what it is
    140. S_IFIFO => 4096, # System constant, don't change if you don't know what it is
    141. mknodprog => "mknod", # Location of mknod program on your server
    142. mkfifoprog => "mkfifo", # Location of mkfifo program on your server
    143. # Settings for Logging/TrafficLog.pm
    144. traffic_statistics_days => 14, # Number of days to keep in the traffic statistics (0 to keep everything)
    145. # Smileys list for TextFilters/Formatting.pm
    146. smileys => [
    147. [ 'smiley1', ':))', ':-))' , ':o))' ],
    148. [ 'smiley', ':)' , ':-)' , ':o)' ],
    149. [ 'wink', ';)' , ';-)' , ';o)' ],
    150. [ 'cheesy', ':D' ],
    151. [ 'grin', ';D' ],
    152. [ 'angry', '):(' ],
    153. [ 'sad', ':-(' , ':(' , ':o(' ],
    154. [ 'cool', '8)' ],
    155. [ 'huh', '???' ],
    156. [ 'rtfm', ':rtfm' ],
    157. [ 'shocked', ':-O' ],
    158. [ 'smiley2', ':-o' ],
    159. [ 'smiley3', ':-P' , ':oP' ],
    160. [ 'smiley4', ':-I' , ':oI' ],
    161. [ 'smiley5', ':-]' , ':o]' ],
    162. [ 'smiley6', ':-[' , ':o[' ],
    163. [ 'smiley7', ':crazy' ],
    164. [ 'smiley8', ':dream' ],
    165. [ 'smiley9', ':shy' ],
    166. [ 'smiley10', ':tasty' ],
    167. [ 'smiley11', ':o' ],
    168. [ 'smiley12', 'O:-)' ],
    169. [ 'smiley13', ':tea', ':coffee' ],
    170. [ 'fist', ':fist' ],
    171. [ 'kiss', ':kiss' ],
    172. ],
    173. # Command aliases for CommandAliases.pm
    174. aliases => {
    175. col => 'color',
    176. exit => 'quit',
    177. logout => 'quit',
    178. bye => 'quit',
    179. join => 'room',
    180. channel => 'room',
    181. go => 'room',
    182. talk => 'msg',
    183. tell => 'msg',
    184. t => 'msg',
    185. txt => 'me',
    186. smileysoff => 'smileys off',
    187. smileyson => 'smileys on',
    188. atall => 'broadcast',
    189. callvip => 'callop',
    190. settings => 'editprofile',
    191. },
    192. # JavaScript-based commands
    193. jscommands => {
    194. clear => 'clear()',
    195. refresh => 'parent.users.location.href=(window.cgi || parent.cgi)+"&template=users"',
    196. profile => 'postToTemplate("profile",600,480,"nickname",(list.length>1?list[1]:""))',
    197. editprofile => 'postToTemplate("editprofile",600,480,"nickname",(list.length>1?list[1]:""))',
    198. roomlist => 'openWindow("roomlist",600,480)',
    199. editroom => 'postToTemplate("editroom",600,480,"roomname",(list.length>1?list[1]:""))',
    200. },
    201. # Color aliases for $main->toColor()
    202. colors => {
    203. 'white' => '#FFFFFF',
    204. 'black' => '#000000',
    205. 'red' => '#FF0000',
    206. 'yellow' => '#FFFF00',
    207. 'pink' => '#FF00FF',
    208. 'purple' => '#800080',
    209. 'green' => '#008000',
    210. 'orange' => '#FF8000',
    211. 'blue' => '#0000FF',
    212. 'beige' => '#F5F5DC',
    213. 'brown' => '#804000',
    214. },
    215. # Predefined image sizes for the {IMAGE} tag
    216. images => {
    217. angry => [15,15],
    218. cheesy => [15,15],
    219. cool => [21,15],
    220. fist => [33,15],
    221. grin => [15,15],
    222. huh => [15,22],
    223. kiss => [15,15],
    224. rtfm => [24,23],
    225. sad => [15,15],
    226. shocked => [15,15],
    227. smiley => [15,15],
    228. smiley1 => [15,15],
    229. smiley10 => [15,15],
    230. smiley11 => [15,15],
    231. smiley12 => [15,20],
    232. smiley13 => [28,23],
    233. smiley2 => [15,15],
    234. smiley3 => [15,15],
    235. smiley4 => [21,16],
    236. smiley5 => [25,15],
    237. smiley6 => [23,15],
    238. smiley7 => [15,15],
    239. smiley8 => [15,15],
    240. smiley9 => [15,15],
    241. wink => [15,15],
    242. question => [10,15],
    243. msg => [16,16],
    244. at => [19,17],
    245. error => [40,40],
    246. german => [60,30],
    247. english => [60,30],
    248. russian => [60,30],
    249. line0 => [25,20],
    250. line1 => [25,20],
    251. line2 => [25,20],
    252. line3 => [25,20],
    253. edit => [22,22],
    254. remove => [22,22],
    255. up => [14,14],
    256. down => [14,14],
    257. send => [22,22],
    258. palette => [24,24],
    259. },
    260. # Permissions #
    261. # -1 = Guest, 0 = User, 1 = Superuser, 5 = Administrator, 10 = Chat master
    262. permissions => {
    263. user => -1,
    264. 'command.admin' => 1,
    265. 'command.img' => 1,
    266. 'command.imgmsg' => 1,
    267. 'command.kick' => 1,
    268. 'command.gag' => 1,
    269. 'command.ungag' => 1,
    270. 'command.push' => 1,
    271. 'command.broadcast' => 1,
    272. invite => 1,
    273. callop => 1,
    274. privaterooms => 1,
    275. profile_seeemail => 1,
    276. profile_seelastlogin => 1,
    277. profile_seeregistration => 1,
    278. profile_seeip => 1,
    279. profile_traceroute => 5,
    280. profile_seepullmode => 1,
    281. profile_seepermissions => 1,
    282. profile_seecommandpermissions => 1,
    283. profile_modify => 1,
    284. profile_modify_permissions => 5,
    285. profile_modify_commandpermissions => 5,
    286. profile_settempgroup => 5,
    287. profile_change_nick => -1,
    288. rooms_create => -1,
    289. rooms_createprivate => -1,
    290. rooms_createpublic => -1,
    291. rooms_createpermanent => 1,
    292. rooms_changeowner => 1,
    293. rooms_modify => 1,
    294. rooms_createmoderated => 1,
    295. rooms_moderate => 1,
    296. ignore_max_users => 1,
    297. ignore_maintenance => 10,
    298. ignore_nickchange_interval => 5,
    299. admin => 1,
    300. admin_news => 1,
    301. admin_images => 10,
    302. admin_smileys => 10,
    303. admin_maintenance => 10,
    304. admin_general_settings => 10,
    305. admin_defaults => 10,
    306. admin_commandpermissions => 10,
    307. admin_permissions => 10,
    308. admin_command_aliases => 5,
    309. admin_color_aliases => 5,
    310. admin_log => 5,
    311. admin_cleanupmembers => 10,
    312. },
    313. # Settings for DataModules/UserModule.pm
    314. custom_profile_fields => ['nosmileys', 'gagtime', 'birth_date', 'homepage', 'homepagetitle','popup_privatemsg','lastnickchange','gender','show_time','style'],
    315. # Settings for DataModules/RoomModule.pm
    316. custom_room_fields => ['max_users', 'topic', 'moderated', 'vips'],
    317. # Settings for Moderation.pm
    318. moderation_ignore_messages => {
    319. },
    320. moderation_error_messages => {
    321. 'me' => 1,
    322. 'img' => 1,
    323. 'private' => 1,
    324. },
    325. # Settings for VarHandlers/Permissions.pm
    326. hide_commandpermissions => {
    327. '' => 1,
    328. 'alive' => 1,
    329. },
    330. #########################
    331. # Custom event handlers #
    332. #########################
    333. custom_traffic_logger => ['plugindir::Logging/TrafficLog.pm'],
    334. custom_action_handlers => {
    335. reminder => 'plugindir::Reminder.pm',
    336. search => 'plugindir::Search.pm',
    337. removecookie => 'plugindir::CookieHandler.pm',
    338. proxycheck => 'plugindir::ProxyCheck.pm',
    339. traceroute => 'plugindir::RouteTracer.pm',
    340. admin_news => 'plugindir::Administration/News.pm',
    341. admin_images => 'plugindir::Administration/Settings.pm',
    342. admin_smileys => 'plugindir::Administration/Settings.pm',
    343. admin_maintenance => 'plugindir::Administration/Settings.pm',
    344. admin_general_settings => 'plugindir::Administration/Settings.pm',
    345. admin_defaults => 'plugindir::Administration/Settings.pm',
    346. admin_commandpermissions => 'plugindir::Administration/Settings.pm',
    347. admin_permissions => 'plugindir::Administration/Settings.pm',
    348. admin_command_aliases => 'plugindir::Administration/Settings.pm',
    349. admin_color_aliases => 'plugindir::Administration/Settings.pm',
    350. admin_log => 'plugindir::Administration/Log.pm',
    351. admin_changemembercleanuplimit => 'plugindir::Administration/CleanupMembers.pm',
    352. admin_cleanupwarnmembers => 'plugindir::Administration/CleanupMembers.pm',
    353. admin_cleanupdeletemembers => 'plugindir::Administration/CleanupMembers.pm',
    354. admin_cleanupprocessmembers => 'plugindir::Administration/CleanupMembers.pm',
    355. },
    356. custom_template_commands => {
    357. GROUPTAG => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/GroupTags.pm',
    358. GROUPNAME => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/GroupTags.pm',
    359. GETTIME => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/TimeTags.pm',
    360. GETDATE => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/TimeTags.pm',
    361. GETSTDDATE => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/TimeTags.pm',
    362. GETDATETIME => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/TimeTags.pm',
    363. READDATE => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/TimeTags.pm',
    364. READSTDDATE => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/TimeTags.pm',
    365. INCLUDE => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/IncludeTags.pm',
    366. UPDATE_ONLINEINFO => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/UpdateTags.pm',
    367. UPDATE_MEMBERINFO => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/UpdateTags.pm',
    368. PROXYCHECK => 'plugindir::ProxyCheck.pm',
    369. },
    370. custom_template_blocks => {
    371. IF_HAS_GROUPTAG => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/GroupTags.pm',
    372. IF_HAS_GROUPNAME => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/GroupTags.pm',
    373. DOFILTER => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/FilterTags.pm',
    374. },
    375. custom_var_handlers => {
    376. 'news.messagenum' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/News.pm',
    377. 'news.message' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/News.pm',
    378. 'news.author' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/News.pm',
    379. 'news.date' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/News.pm',
    380. 'news.messages' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/News.pm',
    381. 'news.messagecount' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/News.pm',
    382. 'user_information' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/ProfileLoader.pm',
    383. 'current_room' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/RoomLoader.pm',
    384. 'room_information' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/RoomLoader.pm',
    385. 'offlinemsgs_exist' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/PrivateMessages.pm',
    386. 'offlinemsgs' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/PrivateMessages.pm',
    387. 'roomlist' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/Roomlist.pm',
    388. 'roomlist_count' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/Roomlist.pm',
    389. 'onlineusers' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/Roomlist.pm',
    390. 'onlineusers_count' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/Roomlist.pm',
    391. 'roomlist&onlineusers' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/Roomlist.pm',
    392. 'commandslist' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/CommandsList.pm',
    393. 'commands_count' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/CommandsList.pm',
    394. 'permissions' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/Permissions.pm',
    395. 'permissions_count' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/Permissions.pm',
    396. 'commandpermissions' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/Permissions.pm',
    397. 'commandpermissions_count' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/Permissions.pm',
    398. 'allusers' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/AllUsers.pm',
    399. 'allusers_count' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/AllUsers.pm',
    400. 'admin_menu' => 'plugindir::Administration/Menu.pm',
    401. 'admin_aliases' => 'plugindir::Administration/Settings.pm',
    402. 'admin_colors' => 'plugindir::Administration/Settings.pm',
    403. 'admin_messageslogs' => 'plugindir::Administration/Log.pm',
    404. 'admin_inactiveaccounts' => 'plugindir::Administration/CleanupMembers.pm',
    405. },
    406. custom_send_checker => [],
    407. custom_messages_filter => ['plugindir::Moderation.pm'],
    408. custom_messages_logger => ['plugindir::Logging/MessagesLog.pm'],
    409. custom_output_params => {
    410. 'alive' => [],
    411. 'message' => ['message'],
    412. 'changed' => ['name','room','oldroom'],
    413. 'text' => ['name','nick','color','text'],
    414. 'admin' => ['name','nick','color','text'],
    415. 'broadcast' => ['name','nick','color','text'],
    416. 'callop' => ['name','nick','color','text'],
    417. 'me' => ['name','nick','color','text'],
    418. 'img' => ['name','nick','color','text'],
    419. 'leaved' => ['name','nick','room'],
    420. 'entered' => ['name','nick','room'],
    421. 'private' => ['name','nick','color','text','url'],
    422. 'private_sent' => ['toname','tonick','color','text','url'],
    423. 'offline_sent' => ['toname','tonick','color','text','url'],
    424. 'user_changed' => [],
    425. 'room_entered' => ['name','nick','fromroom','toroom'],
    426. 'room_leaved' => ['name','nick','fromroom','toroom'],
    427. 'room_greeting' => ['name','nick','fromroom','toroom'],
    428. 'nick_changed' => ['name','nick','oldnick'],
    429. 'color_changed' => ['color'],
    430. 'moderated_text' => ['id','name','nick','color','text'],
    431. 'moderated_sent' => ['id'],
    432. 'moderation_disable' => ['disable'],
    433. },
    434. custom_text_filters => {
    435. 'escape_js' => 'plugindir::TextFilters/Converters.pm',
    436. 'escape_html' => 'plugindir::TextFilters/Converters.pm',
    437. 'urlencode' => 'plugindir::TextFilters/Converters.pm',
    438. 'formatting' => 'plugindir::TextFilters/Formatting.pm',
    439. 'links' => 'plugindir::TextFilters/Formatting.pm',
    440. 'smileys' => 'plugindir::TextFilters/Formatting.pm',
    441. },
    442. custom_command_handlers => {
    443. '' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/TextCommands.pm',
    444. 'admin' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/TextCommands.pm',
    445. 'broadcast' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/TextCommands.pm',
    446. 'callop' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/TextCommands.pm',
    447. 'me' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/TextCommands.pm',
    448. 'img' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/TextCommands.pm',
    449. 'msg' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/PrivateMessages.pm',
    450. 'imgmsg' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/PrivateMessages.pm',
    451. 'away' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/TextCommands.pm',
    452. 'alive' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/MiscCommands.pm',
    453. 'quit' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/MiscCommands.pm',
    454. 'room' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/MiscCommands.pm',
    455. 'color' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/MiscCommands.pm',
    456. 'nick' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/MiscCommands.pm',
    457. 'invite' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/Invitations.pm',
    458. 'uninvite' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/Invitations.pm',
    459. 'ignore' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/Ignoring.pm',
    460. 'unignore' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/Ignoring.pm',
    461. 'kick' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/AdminCommands.pm',
    462. 'gag' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/AdminCommands.pm',
    463. 'ungag' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/AdminCommands.pm',
    464. 'push' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/AdminCommands.pm',
    465. 'moderated_text' => 'plugindir::Moderation.pm',
    466. 'addvip' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/ModerationCommands.pm',
    467. 'removevip' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/ModerationCommands.pm',
    468. 'enablemoderation' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/ModerationCommands.pm',
    469. 'disablemoderation' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/ModerationCommands.pm',
    470. },
    471. custom_environment_handlers => ['plugindir::ProxyCheck.pm','plugindir::BasicAuth.pm','plugindir::CookieHandler.pm'],
    472. custom_user_generators => ['plugindir::GuestLogin.pm'],
    473. custom_profile_checker => ['plugindir::DataModules/UserModule.pm','plugindir::ProfileCheck.pm'],
    474. custom_room_checker => ['plugindir::RoomCheck.pm'],
    475. custom_login_checker => ['plugindir::BanList.pm','plugindir::MaxUsers.pm'],
    476. custom_registration_logger => ['plugindir::Logging/UsersLog.pm'],
    477. custom_deletedusers_logger => ['plugindir::Logging/UsersLog.pm'],
    478. custom_login_logger => ['plugindir::CookieHandler.pm'],
    479. custom_logout_logger => [],
    480. custom_subs => {
    481. # User database functions, default module is plugindir::DataModules/UserModule.pm
    482. getUsername => 'plugindir::DataModules/UserModule.pm',
    483. getPossibleUsernames => 'plugindir::DataModules/UserModule.pm',
    484. getAllUsers => 'plugindir::DataModules/UserModule.pm',
    485. existsUser => 'plugindir::DataModules/UserModule.pm',
    486. addUser => 'plugindir::DataModules/UserModule.pm',
    487. saveUser => 'plugindir::DataModules/UserModule.pm',
    488. loadUser => 'plugindir::DataModules/UserModule.pm',
    489. removeUser => 'plugindir::DataModules/UserModule.pm',
    490. getProfileFieldsList => 'plugindir::DataModules/UserModule.pm',
    491. # Room list functions, default module is plugindir::DataModules/RoomModule.pm
    492. getAllRooms => 'plugindir::DataModules/RoomModule.pm',
    493. existsRoom => 'plugindir::DataModules/RoomModule.pm',
    494. addRoom => 'plugindir::DataModules/RoomModule.pm',
    495. saveRoom => 'plugindir::DataModules/RoomModule.pm',
    496. loadRoom => 'plugindir::DataModules/RoomModule.pm',
    497. removeRoom => 'plugindir::DataModules/RoomModule.pm',
    498. isRoomPermitted => 'plugindir::DataModules/RoomModule.pm',
    499. getRoomFieldsList => 'plugindir::DataModules/RoomModule.pm',
    500. # Online list functions, default module is plugindir::DataModules/OnlineModule.pm
    501. getUsernameFromID => 'plugindir::DataModules/OnlineModule.pm',
    502. getOnlineUsersCount => 'plugindir::DataModules/OnlineModule.pm',
    503. getOnlineUsers => 'plugindir::DataModules/OnlineModule.pm',
    504. getPossibleOnlineUsers => 'plugindir::DataModules/OnlineModule.pm',
    505. isOnline => 'plugindir::DataModules/OnlineModule.pm',
    506. addOnlineInfo => 'plugindir::DataModules/OnlineModule.pm',
    507. saveOnlineInfo => 'plugindir::DataModules/OnlineModule.pm',
    508. getOnlineString => 'plugindir::DataModules/OnlineModule.pm',
    509. translateOnlineString => 'plugindir::DataModules/OnlineModule.pm',
    510. loadOnlineInfo => 'plugindir::DataModules/OnlineModule.pm',
    511. kickUser => 'plugindir::DataModules/OnlineModule.pm',
    512. getOnlineFieldsList => 'plugindir::DataModules/OnlineModule.pm',
    513. # This functions create an array with output parameters, default module is plugindir::Output.pm
    514. createOutput => 'plugindir::Output.pm',
    515. createErrorOutput => 'plugindir::Output.pm',
    516. createInfoOutput => 'plugindir::Output.pm',
    517. # Mailer functions, default module is plugindir::MailModules/SendmailModule.pm, replace by plugindir::MailModules/SMTPModule.pm if no sendmail program available
    518. # plugindir::MailModules/SendmailModule.pm needs the variable 'mailprog', plugindir::MailModules/SMTPModule.pm needs 'smtp_server' to be set.
    519. sendMail => 'plugindir::MailModules/SendmailModule.pm',
    520. # Pipe functions (interprocess communication)
    521. # You can use plugindir::PipeModules/SysVPipeModule.pm with Unix-like operation systems
    522. # For Windows you need plugindir::PipeModules/SysVPipeModule.pm
    523. createPipe => 'plugindir::PipeModules/SysVPipeModule.pm',
    524. openPipe => 'plugindir::PipeModules/SysVPipeModule.pm',
    525. removePipe => 'plugindir::PipeModules/SysVPipeModule.pm',
    526. # Template tag equivalents - for alternative template engines
    527. proxyCheck => 'plugindir::ProxyCheck.pm',
    528. getTimeText => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/TimeTags.pm',
    529. filterText => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/FilterTags.pm',
    530. # Administration functions
    531. saveSettings => 'plugindir::Administration/Settings.pm',
    532. },
    533. ###############################
    534. # Language dependent settings #
    535. ###############################
    536. language_dependent => {
    537. german => {
    538. lang_name => "Deutsch",
    539. directories => {
    540. templatedir => "Templates_de", # Directory with HTML template files
    541. },
    542. aliases => {
    543. farbe => 'color',
    544. raus => 'quit',
    545. raum => 'room',
    546. weg => 'away',
    547. schubs => 'push',
    548. knebel => 'gag',
    549. unknebel => 'ungag',
    550. analle => 'broadcast',
    551. einlad => 'invite',
    552. auslad => 'uninvite',
    553. profil => 'profile',
    554. einstell => 'editprofile',
    555. },
    556. colors => {
    557. 'weiß' => '#FFFFFF',
    558. 'schwarz' => '#000000',
    559. 'rot' => '#FF0000',
    560. 'gelb' => '#FFFF00',
    561. 'grün' => '#008000',
    562. 'purpur' => '#800080',
    563. 'blau' => '#0000FF',
    564. 'braun' => '#804000',
    565. },
    566. styles => [
    567. ['style','Standard'],
    568. ['style01','Farbschema 1'],
    569. ['style02','Farbschema 2'],
    570. ['style03','Farbschema 3'],
    571. ['style04','Farbschema 4'],
    572. ['style05','Farbschema 5'],
    573. ['style06','Farbschema 6'],
    574. ],
    575. },
    576. english => {
    577. lang_name => "English",
    578. directories => {
    579. templatedir => "Templates_en", # Directory with HTML template files
    580. },
    581. styles => [
    582. ['style','Default'],
    583. ['style01','Color scheme 1'],
    584. ['style02','Color scheme 2'],
    585. ['style03','Color scheme 3'],
    586. ['style04','Color scheme 4'],
    587. ['style05','Color scheme 5'],
    588. ['style06','Color scheme 6'],
    589. ],
    590. },
    591. russian => {
    592. lang_name => "Russian",
    593. directories => {
    594. templatedir => "Templates_ru", # Directory with HTML template files
    595. },
    596. aliases => {
    597. 'öâåò' => 'color',
    598. 'íèê' => 'nick',
    599. 'âûéòè' => 'quit',
    600. 'êîìíàòà' => 'room',
    601. 'ïå åéòè' => 'room',
    602. 'ï èâàò' => 'msg',
    603. 'óéòè' => 'away',
    604. 'óø¸ë' => 'away',
    605. 'óøåë' => 'away',
    606. 'áåçóëûáîê' => 'smileys off',
    607. 'ñóëûáêàìè' => 'smileys on',
    608. 'èãíî è îâàòü' => 'ignore',
    609. 'èãíî ' => 'ignore',
    610. '-èãíî è îâàòü' => 'unignore',
    611. '-èãíî ' => 'unignore',
    612. 'ï èãëàñèòü' => 'invite',
    613. '-ï èãëàñèòü' => 'uninvite',
    614. 'êà òèíêà' => 'img',
    615. 'âñåì' => 'broadcast',
    616. 'âûêèíóòü' => 'kick',
    617. 'òîëêíóòü' => 'push',
    618. 'çàòêíóòü' => 'gag',
    619. '-çàòêíóòü' => 'ungag',
    620. 'àäìèí' => 'admin',
    621. 'ï îôèëü' => 'profile',
    622. },
    623. colors => {
    624. 'áåëûé' => '#FFFFFF',
    625. '÷¸ íûé' => '#000000',
    626. '÷å íûé' => '#000000',
    627. 'ê àñíûé' => '#FF0000',
    628. 'æ¸ëòûé' => '#FFFF00',
    629. 'æåëòûé' => '#FFFF00',
    630. ' îçîâûé' => '#FF00FF',
    631. 'çåë¸íûé' => '#008000',
    632. 'çåëåíûé' => '#008000',
    633. 'î àíæåâûé' => '#FF8000',
    634. 'ïó ïó íûé' => '#800080',
    635. 'ñèíèé' => '#0000FF',
    636. 'áåæåâûé' => '#F5F5DC',
    637. 'êî è÷íåâûé' => '#804000',
    638. },
    639. styles => [
    640. ['style','Ñòàíäà íûé'],
    641. ['style01','Ñêèí 1'],
    642. ['style02','Ñêèí 2'],
    643. ['style03','Ñêèí 3'],
    644. ['style04','Ñêèí 4'],
    645. ['style05','Ñêèí 5'],
    646. ['style06','Ñêèí 6'],
    647. ],
    648. },
    649. },
    650. };

    hier die ganze Settings.dat mehr hab i net geändert, chja beim einloggen die Fahnen der Länder sieht man.

    Mfg Manfred