

    • Version vom GTChat: GT-Chat 0.95 Alpha
    • Link zum Chat:
    • Test-Account: gast login
    • Perl-Version: k.A.
    • Verwendetes Betriebssystem: Linux
    • Verwendeter Browser: IE 6.0 und FF 3.0
    • Suchfunktion nicht genutzt

    genaue Beschreibung:
    Sorry wegen falsch Posting vorher, aber i dreh durch heute irgendwie.
    I schnalls heute net wo hier der Fehler liegt.
    Beim Login werden die Fahnen angezeigt aber kein Style und i kann ändern in der Settings.dat was ich will es geht nix, ausser login und logout auch nimmer einziges Fenster macht er mir des LOG auf.
    hier die Settings.dat


    1. ###############################################
    2. # You should not change this file manually. #
    3. # Use the Admin functions menu instead. #
    4. ###############################################
    5. return {
    6. ####################
    7. # General settings #
    8. ####################
    9. # URLs and paths
    10. urls => {
    11. htmlurl => "http://www.domain.tld/gtchat", # absolute URL of your chat's HTML pages (Only, if this folder is NOT /www/)
    12. logouturl => "http://www.domain.tld/cgi-bin/gtchat/", # if given: the position to go after the logout other than the default login page
    13. imagesurl => "../gtchat/images/", # URL of your images directory, can be relative to htmlurl
    14. },
    15. directories => {
    16. sourcedir => "Sources", # Directory with chat source files
    17. vardir => "Variables", # Directory with variable files
    18. onlinedir => "Online", # Directory with online users data
    19. tmpdir => "Temp", # Directory with temporary files (queues and pipes)
    20. memberdir => "Members", # Directory with member data
    21. roomdir => "Rooms", # Directory with room data
    22. plugindir => "Plugins", # Plugin directory
    23. wwwdir => "../httpdocs/gtchat", # Directory with chat.js and style.css
    24. imagesdir => "../httpdocs/gtchat/images", # Directory of the chat images
    25. },
    26. # General settings
    27. languages => ['german','english','russian'], # Existing language files
    28. maintenance => 0, # Set 1 to enable maintenance mode
    29. chatname => "Private Chat", # The name of your chat
    30. pwseed => "ya", # Password crypting seed
    31. logoutreason_keeping_time => 20, # Time in seconds to keep the logout reason for a user in the file logout.reasons
    32. lock_type => 1, # Set 0 to use no locks, 1 for flock() or 2 for Win32::Semaphore
    33. use_internal_crypt => 1, # Set 0 to use default Perl's crypt(), 1 to use module
    34. compress_output => 1, # Set 1 to remove empty lines and unnecessary spaces from the output
    35. alive_test_rate_push => 120, # Time in seconds the user is allowed to make no server requests (server push mode)
    36. alive_test_rate_pull => 60, # Time in seconds the user is allowed to make no server requests (client pull mode)
    37. autokick_test_rate => 0, # Time in seconds the user is allowed not to talk or 0 to deactivate autokick
    38. send_blocking_timeout => 8, # Maximum time in seconds sending should be blocked (blocking is usually disabled automatically after receiving the server's response)
    39. forward_params => ['css','proxy'], # Query string parameters to be forwarded
    40. check_module_modification => 1, # Set 1 to enable testing if a module has been modified since it's last use before using the cached data, 0 to disable
    41. check_template_modification => 1, # Set 1 to enable testing if a template has been modified since it's last use before using the cached data, 0 to disable
    42. preload_modules => ['sourcedir::','plugindir::','german.lng','english.lng','russian.lng','german.commands','english.commands','russian.commands','german.admin','english.admin','russian.admin'],
    43. preload_templates => ['Templates_de/','Templates_en/','Templates_ru/'],
    44. # User defaults (defaults for the template variable $environment)
    45. default =>
    46. {
    47. language => 'german', # Default language of your chat (determines the name of the language files)
    48. is_username => 1, # Set 0 to login with nick names by default or 1 to login with user names
    49. pull => 0, # Set 1 to make Safe mode checked by default
    50. room => 'lobby',
    51. color => '#404040',
    52. style => 'style', # usually style.css is the default style
    53. privateemail => 1,
    54. gender => 0,
    55. timeoffset => 0,
    56. nosmileys => 0,
    57. popup_privatemsg => 1,
    58. show_time => 0,
    59. },
    60. ####################
    61. # Plugins settings #
    62. ####################
    63. # Settings for
    64. check_profile_fields_range => { # Sets the minimal and maximal allowed value for integer profile fields
    65. privateemail => [0,1],
    66. timeoffset => [-24,24],
    67. nosmileys => [0,1],
    68. popup_privatemsg => [0,1],
    69. show_time => [0,1],
    70. gender => [0,2],
    71. },
    72. check_profile_fields_length => { # Sets the maximal allowed length for profile fields and the error message to show
    73. name => [15,'max_username_len'],
    74. nick => [15,'max_nickname_len'],
    75. homepage => [50,'max_homepage_len'],
    76. homepagetitle => [50,'max_homepagetitle_len'],
    77. email => [50,'max_email_len'],
    78. },
    79. min_nickchange_interval => 10, # Minimum time (in minutes) between two nick changes
    80. # Settings for
    81. check_room_fields_range => { # Sets the minimal and maximal allowed value for integer room fields
    82. closed => [0,1],
    83. permanent => [0,1],
    84. moderated => [0,1],
    85. max_users => [0,100000],
    86. },
    87. check_room_fields_length => { # Sets the maximal allowed length for room fields and the error message to show
    88. name => [15,'max_roomname_len'],
    89. topic => [100,'max_topic_len'],
    90. },
    91. # Settings for DataModules/ and DataModules/
    92. # The characters in this string cannot be used in usernames, nicknames and roomnames
    93. custom_forbidden_chars => "\255\240",
    94. # Settings for CommandHandlers/
    95. ignore_messages => { # List of message types to be ignored
    96. 'message' => 1,
    97. 'text' => 1,
    98. 'broadcast' => 1,
    99. 'callop' => 1,
    100. 'me' => 1,
    101. 'img' => 1,
    102. 'leaved' => 1,
    103. 'entered', => 1,
    104. 'private' => 1,
    105. 'nick_changed' => 1,
    106. 'room_entered' => 1,
    107. 'room_leaved' => 1,
    108. },
    109. # Settings for Logging/
    110. log_messages => { # List of message types to be logged in the messages log
    111. 'text' => 1,
    112. 'admin' => 1,
    113. 'me' => 1,
    114. 'broadcast' => 1,
    115. 'callop' => 1,
    116. 'img' => 1,
    117. 'entered', => 1,
    118. 'leaved' => 1,
    119. 'nick_changed' => 1,
    120. 'room_entered' => 1,
    121. 'room_leaved' => 1,
    122. },
    123. max_messageslog_size => 262144, # Maximum size in bytes of the messages log (see log_messages)
    124. messageslog_backups_count => 4, # Number of old messages logs to save
    125. # Settings for Logging/
    126. max_userslog_size => 4096, # Maximum size in bytes of the users log (registrations and cancellations of accounts)
    127. userslog_backups_count => 4, # Number of old users logs to save
    128. # Settings for
    129. cookie_name => "chat_userdata", # Name of the cookie used by the chat
    130. # Settings for
    131. max_users => 0, # The maximum number of users to be in the chat (0 = unlimited)
    132. # Mail settings
    133. webmaster_email => '', # Put your mail address here
    134. mailprog => "/usr/sbin/sendmail", # Location of sendmail on your server (used by MailModules/
    135. smtp_server => "", # SMTP server to sen mail (used by MailModules/
    136. # Settings for VarHandlers/
    137. tracerouteprog => "/usr/sbin/traceroute", # Location of traceroute on your server, usually /usr/sbin/traceroute on a Unix server and c:/windows/system32/tracert.exe on Windows
    138. # Settings for PipeModules/
    139. SYS_mknod => 14, # System constant, don't change if you don't know what it is
    140. S_IFIFO => 4096, # System constant, don't change if you don't know what it is
    141. mknodprog => "mknod", # Location of mknod program on your server
    142. mkfifoprog => "mkfifo", # Location of mkfifo program on your server
    143. # Settings for Logging/
    144. traffic_statistics_days => 14, # Number of days to keep in the traffic statistics (0 to keep everything)
    145. # Smileys list for TextFilters/
    146. smileys => [
    147. [ 'smiley1', ':))', ':-))' , ':o))' ],
    148. [ 'smiley', ':)' , ':-)' , ':o)' ],
    149. [ 'wink', ';)' , ';-)' , ';o)' ],
    150. [ 'cheesy', ':D' ],
    151. [ 'grin', ';D' ],
    152. [ 'angry', '):(' ],
    153. [ 'sad', ':-(' , ':(' , ':o(' ],
    154. [ 'cool', '8)' ],
    155. [ 'huh', '???' ],
    156. [ 'rtfm', ':rtfm' ],
    157. [ 'shocked', ':-O' ],
    158. [ 'smiley2', ':-o' ],
    159. [ 'smiley3', ':-P' , ':oP' ],
    160. [ 'smiley4', ':-I' , ':oI' ],
    161. [ 'smiley5', ':-]' , ':o]' ],
    162. [ 'smiley6', ':-[' , ':o[' ],
    163. [ 'smiley7', ':crazy' ],
    164. [ 'smiley8', ':dream' ],
    165. [ 'smiley9', ':shy' ],
    166. [ 'smiley10', ':tasty' ],
    167. [ 'smiley11', ':o' ],
    168. [ 'smiley12', 'O:-)' ],
    169. [ 'smiley13', ':tea', ':coffee' ],
    170. [ 'fist', ':fist' ],
    171. [ 'kiss', ':kiss' ],
    172. ],
    173. # Command aliases for
    174. aliases => {
    175. col => 'color',
    176. exit => 'quit',
    177. logout => 'quit',
    178. bye => 'quit',
    179. join => 'room',
    180. channel => 'room',
    181. go => 'room',
    182. talk => 'msg',
    183. tell => 'msg',
    184. t => 'msg',
    185. txt => 'me',
    186. smileysoff => 'smileys off',
    187. smileyson => 'smileys on',
    188. atall => 'broadcast',
    189. callvip => 'callop',
    190. settings => 'editprofile',
    191. },
    192. # JavaScript-based commands
    193. jscommands => {
    194. clear => 'clear()',
    195. refresh => 'parent.users.location.href=(window.cgi || parent.cgi)+"&template=users"',
    196. profile => 'postToTemplate("profile",600,480,"nickname",(list.length>1?list[1]:""))',
    197. editprofile => 'postToTemplate("editprofile",600,480,"nickname",(list.length>1?list[1]:""))',
    198. roomlist => 'openWindow("roomlist",600,480)',
    199. editroom => 'postToTemplate("editroom",600,480,"roomname",(list.length>1?list[1]:""))',
    200. },
    201. # Color aliases for $main->toColor()
    202. colors => {
    203. 'white' => '#FFFFFF',
    204. 'black' => '#000000',
    205. 'red' => '#FF0000',
    206. 'yellow' => '#FFFF00',
    207. 'pink' => '#FF00FF',
    208. 'purple' => '#800080',
    209. 'green' => '#008000',
    210. 'orange' => '#FF8000',
    211. 'blue' => '#0000FF',
    212. 'beige' => '#F5F5DC',
    213. 'brown' => '#804000',
    214. },
    215. # Predefined image sizes for the {IMAGE} tag
    216. images => {
    217. angry => [15,15],
    218. cheesy => [15,15],
    219. cool => [21,15],
    220. fist => [33,15],
    221. grin => [15,15],
    222. huh => [15,22],
    223. kiss => [15,15],
    224. rtfm => [24,23],
    225. sad => [15,15],
    226. shocked => [15,15],
    227. smiley => [15,15],
    228. smiley1 => [15,15],
    229. smiley10 => [15,15],
    230. smiley11 => [15,15],
    231. smiley12 => [15,20],
    232. smiley13 => [28,23],
    233. smiley2 => [15,15],
    234. smiley3 => [15,15],
    235. smiley4 => [21,16],
    236. smiley5 => [25,15],
    237. smiley6 => [23,15],
    238. smiley7 => [15,15],
    239. smiley8 => [15,15],
    240. smiley9 => [15,15],
    241. wink => [15,15],
    242. question => [10,15],
    243. msg => [16,16],
    244. at => [19,17],
    245. error => [40,40],
    246. german => [60,30],
    247. english => [60,30],
    248. russian => [60,30],
    249. line0 => [25,20],
    250. line1 => [25,20],
    251. line2 => [25,20],
    252. line3 => [25,20],
    253. edit => [22,22],
    254. remove => [22,22],
    255. up => [14,14],
    256. down => [14,14],
    257. send => [22,22],
    258. palette => [24,24],
    259. },
    260. # Permissions #
    261. # -1 = Guest, 0 = User, 1 = Superuser, 5 = Administrator, 10 = Chat master
    262. permissions => {
    263. user => -1,
    264. 'command.admin' => 1,
    265. 'command.img' => 1,
    266. 'command.imgmsg' => 1,
    267. 'command.kick' => 1,
    268. 'command.gag' => 1,
    269. 'command.ungag' => 1,
    270. 'command.push' => 1,
    271. 'command.broadcast' => 1,
    272. invite => 1,
    273. callop => 1,
    274. privaterooms => 1,
    275. profile_seeemail => 1,
    276. profile_seelastlogin => 1,
    277. profile_seeregistration => 1,
    278. profile_seeip => 1,
    279. profile_traceroute => 5,
    280. profile_seepullmode => 1,
    281. profile_seepermissions => 1,
    282. profile_seecommandpermissions => 1,
    283. profile_modify => 1,
    284. profile_modify_permissions => 5,
    285. profile_modify_commandpermissions => 5,
    286. profile_settempgroup => 5,
    287. profile_change_nick => -1,
    288. rooms_create => -1,
    289. rooms_createprivate => -1,
    290. rooms_createpublic => -1,
    291. rooms_createpermanent => 1,
    292. rooms_changeowner => 1,
    293. rooms_modify => 1,
    294. rooms_createmoderated => 1,
    295. rooms_moderate => 1,
    296. ignore_max_users => 1,
    297. ignore_maintenance => 10,
    298. ignore_nickchange_interval => 5,
    299. admin => 1,
    300. admin_news => 1,
    301. admin_images => 10,
    302. admin_smileys => 10,
    303. admin_maintenance => 10,
    304. admin_general_settings => 10,
    305. admin_defaults => 10,
    306. admin_commandpermissions => 10,
    307. admin_permissions => 10,
    308. admin_command_aliases => 5,
    309. admin_color_aliases => 5,
    310. admin_log => 5,
    311. admin_cleanupmembers => 10,
    312. },
    313. # Settings for DataModules/
    314. custom_profile_fields => ['nosmileys', 'gagtime', 'birth_date', 'homepage', 'homepagetitle','popup_privatemsg','lastnickchange','gender','show_time','style'],
    315. # Settings for DataModules/
    316. custom_room_fields => ['max_users', 'topic', 'moderated', 'vips'],
    317. # Settings for
    318. moderation_ignore_messages => {
    319. },
    320. moderation_error_messages => {
    321. 'me' => 1,
    322. 'img' => 1,
    323. 'private' => 1,
    324. },
    325. # Settings for VarHandlers/
    326. hide_commandpermissions => {
    327. '' => 1,
    328. 'alive' => 1,
    329. },
    330. #########################
    331. # Custom event handlers #
    332. #########################
    333. custom_traffic_logger => ['plugindir::Logging/'],
    334. custom_action_handlers => {
    335. reminder => '',
    336. search => '',
    337. removecookie => '',
    338. proxycheck => '',
    339. traceroute => '',
    340. admin_news => 'plugindir::Administration/',
    341. admin_images => 'plugindir::Administration/',
    342. admin_smileys => 'plugindir::Administration/',
    343. admin_maintenance => 'plugindir::Administration/',
    344. admin_general_settings => 'plugindir::Administration/',
    345. admin_defaults => 'plugindir::Administration/',
    346. admin_commandpermissions => 'plugindir::Administration/',
    347. admin_permissions => 'plugindir::Administration/',
    348. admin_command_aliases => 'plugindir::Administration/',
    349. admin_color_aliases => 'plugindir::Administration/',
    350. admin_log => 'plugindir::Administration/',
    351. admin_changemembercleanuplimit => 'plugindir::Administration/',
    352. admin_cleanupwarnmembers => 'plugindir::Administration/',
    353. admin_cleanupdeletemembers => 'plugindir::Administration/',
    354. admin_cleanupprocessmembers => 'plugindir::Administration/',
    355. },
    356. custom_template_commands => {
    357. GROUPTAG => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/',
    358. GROUPNAME => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/',
    359. GETTIME => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/',
    360. GETDATE => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/',
    361. GETSTDDATE => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/',
    362. GETDATETIME => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/',
    363. READDATE => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/',
    364. READSTDDATE => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/',
    365. INCLUDE => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/',
    366. UPDATE_ONLINEINFO => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/',
    367. UPDATE_MEMBERINFO => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/',
    368. PROXYCHECK => '',
    369. },
    370. custom_template_blocks => {
    371. IF_HAS_GROUPTAG => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/',
    372. IF_HAS_GROUPNAME => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/',
    373. DOFILTER => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/',
    374. },
    375. custom_var_handlers => {
    376. 'news.messagenum' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/',
    377. 'news.message' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/',
    378. '' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/',
    379. '' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/',
    380. 'news.messages' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/',
    381. 'news.messagecount' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/',
    382. 'user_information' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/',
    383. 'current_room' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/',
    384. 'room_information' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/',
    385. 'offlinemsgs_exist' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    386. 'offlinemsgs' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    387. 'roomlist' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/',
    388. 'roomlist_count' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/',
    389. 'onlineusers' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/',
    390. 'onlineusers_count' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/',
    391. 'roomlist&onlineusers' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/',
    392. 'commandslist' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/',
    393. 'commands_count' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/',
    394. 'permissions' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/',
    395. 'permissions_count' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/',
    396. 'commandpermissions' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/',
    397. 'commandpermissions_count' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/',
    398. 'allusers' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/',
    399. 'allusers_count' => 'plugindir::VarHandlers/',
    400. 'admin_menu' => 'plugindir::Administration/',
    401. 'admin_aliases' => 'plugindir::Administration/',
    402. 'admin_colors' => 'plugindir::Administration/',
    403. 'admin_messageslogs' => 'plugindir::Administration/',
    404. 'admin_inactiveaccounts' => 'plugindir::Administration/',
    405. },
    406. custom_send_checker => [],
    407. custom_messages_filter => [''],
    408. custom_messages_logger => ['plugindir::Logging/'],
    409. custom_output_params => {
    410. 'alive' => [],
    411. 'message' => ['message'],
    412. 'changed' => ['name','room','oldroom'],
    413. 'text' => ['name','nick','color','text'],
    414. 'admin' => ['name','nick','color','text'],
    415. 'broadcast' => ['name','nick','color','text'],
    416. 'callop' => ['name','nick','color','text'],
    417. 'me' => ['name','nick','color','text'],
    418. 'img' => ['name','nick','color','text'],
    419. 'leaved' => ['name','nick','room'],
    420. 'entered' => ['name','nick','room'],
    421. 'private' => ['name','nick','color','text','url'],
    422. 'private_sent' => ['toname','tonick','color','text','url'],
    423. 'offline_sent' => ['toname','tonick','color','text','url'],
    424. 'user_changed' => [],
    425. 'room_entered' => ['name','nick','fromroom','toroom'],
    426. 'room_leaved' => ['name','nick','fromroom','toroom'],
    427. 'room_greeting' => ['name','nick','fromroom','toroom'],
    428. 'nick_changed' => ['name','nick','oldnick'],
    429. 'color_changed' => ['color'],
    430. 'moderated_text' => ['id','name','nick','color','text'],
    431. 'moderated_sent' => ['id'],
    432. 'moderation_disable' => ['disable'],
    433. },
    434. custom_text_filters => {
    435. 'escape_js' => 'plugindir::TextFilters/',
    436. 'escape_html' => 'plugindir::TextFilters/',
    437. 'urlencode' => 'plugindir::TextFilters/',
    438. 'formatting' => 'plugindir::TextFilters/',
    439. 'links' => 'plugindir::TextFilters/',
    440. 'smileys' => 'plugindir::TextFilters/',
    441. },
    442. custom_command_handlers => {
    443. '' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    444. 'admin' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    445. 'broadcast' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    446. 'callop' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    447. 'me' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    448. 'img' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    449. 'msg' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    450. 'imgmsg' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    451. 'away' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    452. 'alive' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    453. 'quit' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    454. 'room' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    455. 'color' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    456. 'nick' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    457. 'invite' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    458. 'uninvite' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    459. 'ignore' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    460. 'unignore' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    461. 'kick' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    462. 'gag' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    463. 'ungag' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    464. 'push' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    465. 'moderated_text' => '',
    466. 'addvip' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    467. 'removevip' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    468. 'enablemoderation' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    469. 'disablemoderation' => 'plugindir::CommandHandlers/',
    470. },
    471. custom_environment_handlers => ['','',''],
    472. custom_user_generators => [''],
    473. custom_profile_checker => ['plugindir::DataModules/',''],
    474. custom_room_checker => [''],
    475. custom_login_checker => ['',''],
    476. custom_registration_logger => ['plugindir::Logging/'],
    477. custom_deletedusers_logger => ['plugindir::Logging/'],
    478. custom_login_logger => [''],
    479. custom_logout_logger => [],
    480. custom_subs => {
    481. # User database functions, default module is plugindir::DataModules/
    482. getUsername => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    483. getPossibleUsernames => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    484. getAllUsers => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    485. existsUser => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    486. addUser => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    487. saveUser => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    488. loadUser => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    489. removeUser => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    490. getProfileFieldsList => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    491. # Room list functions, default module is plugindir::DataModules/
    492. getAllRooms => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    493. existsRoom => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    494. addRoom => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    495. saveRoom => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    496. loadRoom => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    497. removeRoom => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    498. isRoomPermitted => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    499. getRoomFieldsList => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    500. # Online list functions, default module is plugindir::DataModules/
    501. getUsernameFromID => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    502. getOnlineUsersCount => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    503. getOnlineUsers => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    504. getPossibleOnlineUsers => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    505. isOnline => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    506. addOnlineInfo => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    507. saveOnlineInfo => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    508. getOnlineString => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    509. translateOnlineString => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    510. loadOnlineInfo => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    511. kickUser => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    512. getOnlineFieldsList => 'plugindir::DataModules/',
    513. # This functions create an array with output parameters, default module is
    514. createOutput => '',
    515. createErrorOutput => '',
    516. createInfoOutput => '',
    517. # Mailer functions, default module is plugindir::MailModules/, replace by plugindir::MailModules/ if no sendmail program available
    518. # plugindir::MailModules/ needs the variable 'mailprog', plugindir::MailModules/ needs 'smtp_server' to be set.
    519. sendMail => 'plugindir::MailModules/',
    520. # Pipe functions (interprocess communication)
    521. # You can use plugindir::PipeModules/ with Unix-like operation systems
    522. # For Windows you need plugindir::PipeModules/
    523. createPipe => 'plugindir::PipeModules/',
    524. openPipe => 'plugindir::PipeModules/',
    525. removePipe => 'plugindir::PipeModules/',
    526. # Template tag equivalents - for alternative template engines
    527. proxyCheck => '',
    528. getTimeText => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/',
    529. filterText => 'plugindir::SimpleTemplateEngine/',
    530. # Administration functions
    531. saveSettings => 'plugindir::Administration/',
    532. },
    533. ###############################
    534. # Language dependent settings #
    535. ###############################
    536. language_dependent => {
    537. german => {
    538. lang_name => "Deutsch",
    539. directories => {
    540. templatedir => "Templates_de", # Directory with HTML template files
    541. },
    542. aliases => {
    543. farbe => 'color',
    544. raus => 'quit',
    545. raum => 'room',
    546. weg => 'away',
    547. schubs => 'push',
    548. knebel => 'gag',
    549. unknebel => 'ungag',
    550. analle => 'broadcast',
    551. einlad => 'invite',
    552. auslad => 'uninvite',
    553. profil => 'profile',
    554. einstell => 'editprofile',
    555. },
    556. colors => {
    557. 'weiß' => '#FFFFFF',
    558. 'schwarz' => '#000000',
    559. 'rot' => '#FF0000',
    560. 'gelb' => '#FFFF00',
    561. 'grün' => '#008000',
    562. 'purpur' => '#800080',
    563. 'blau' => '#0000FF',
    564. 'braun' => '#804000',
    565. },
    566. styles => [
    567. ['style','Standard'],
    568. ['style01','Farbschema 1'],
    569. ['style02','Farbschema 2'],
    570. ['style03','Farbschema 3'],
    571. ['style04','Farbschema 4'],
    572. ['style05','Farbschema 5'],
    573. ['style06','Farbschema 6'],
    574. ],
    575. },
    576. english => {
    577. lang_name => "English",
    578. directories => {
    579. templatedir => "Templates_en", # Directory with HTML template files
    580. },
    581. styles => [
    582. ['style','Default'],
    583. ['style01','Color scheme 1'],
    584. ['style02','Color scheme 2'],
    585. ['style03','Color scheme 3'],
    586. ['style04','Color scheme 4'],
    587. ['style05','Color scheme 5'],
    588. ['style06','Color scheme 6'],
    589. ],
    590. },
    591. russian => {
    592. lang_name => "Russian",
    593. directories => {
    594. templatedir => "Templates_ru", # Directory with HTML template files
    595. },
    596. aliases => {
    597. 'öâåò' => 'color',
    598. 'íèê' => 'nick',
    599. 'âûéòè' => 'quit',
    600. 'êîìíàòà' => 'room',
    601. 'ïå åéòè' => 'room',
    602. 'ï èâàò' => 'msg',
    603. 'óéòè' => 'away',
    604. 'óø¸ë' => 'away',
    605. 'óøåë' => 'away',
    606. 'áåçóëûáîê' => 'smileys off',
    607. 'ñóëûáêàìè' => 'smileys on',
    608. 'èãíî è îâàòü' => 'ignore',
    609. 'èãíî ' => 'ignore',
    610. '-èãíî è îâàòü' => 'unignore',
    611. '-èãíî ' => 'unignore',
    612. 'ï èãëàñèòü' => 'invite',
    613. '-ï èãëàñèòü' => 'uninvite',
    614. 'êà òèíêà' => 'img',
    615. 'âñåì' => 'broadcast',
    616. 'âûêèíóòü' => 'kick',
    617. 'òîëêíóòü' => 'push',
    618. 'çàòêíóòü' => 'gag',
    619. '-çàòêíóòü' => 'ungag',
    620. 'àäìèí' => 'admin',
    621. 'ï îôèëü' => 'profile',
    622. },
    623. colors => {
    624. 'áåëûé' => '#FFFFFF',
    625. '÷¸ íûé' => '#000000',
    626. '÷å íûé' => '#000000',
    627. 'ê àñíûé' => '#FF0000',
    628. 'æ¸ëòûé' => '#FFFF00',
    629. 'æåëòûé' => '#FFFF00',
    630. ' îçîâûé' => '#FF00FF',
    631. 'çåë¸íûé' => '#008000',
    632. 'çåëåíûé' => '#008000',
    633. 'î àíæåâûé' => '#FF8000',
    634. 'ïó ïó íûé' => '#800080',
    635. 'ñèíèé' => '#0000FF',
    636. 'áåæåâûé' => '#F5F5DC',
    637. 'êî è÷íåâûé' => '#804000',
    638. },
    639. styles => [
    640. ['style','Ñòàíäà íûé'],
    641. ['style01','Ñêèí 1'],
    642. ['style02','Ñêèí 2'],
    643. ['style03','Ñêèí 3'],
    644. ['style04','Ñêèí 4'],
    645. ['style05','Ñêèí 5'],
    646. ['style06','Ñêèí 6'],
    647. ],
    648. },
    649. },
    650. };

    Wo ist hier mein denk fehler??
    Die cgi-bin liegt ausserhalb von httpdocs
    ich habe alle möglichkeiten probiert es will und will net des style anzeigen.
    an chmod kann es net liegen und auch sonst sollte alles gehen weil auf diesem server schon ein Gt-Chat ohne Prob lief.

    Mfg Manfred

    P.S. hat sich erledigt nach Cafe und einer Ziggi fand ich den Fehler bei htmlurl fehlte am ende das /
    so i mach heute nix mehr bei solchen fehlern.

    Mfg Manfred

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von „ManfredMOD“ ()

    Original von Darky2
    mach mal bei imagesdir das gtchat weg und bei den anderen noch ein zusätzliches ../ vornedran.

    es gilt: logisch denken

    Es gilt auch Augen auf und genau lesen bzw. ALLES!!!!
    Augen auf die Zeile wo steht P.S. !!!

    Mfg Manfred